Josh Reddick: The Reason Lester Became an Athletic


Reddick GIF


What if I told you that the most important player in making the Jon Lester trade happen was not part of the deal? Not Lester, not outfield slugger Yoenis Cespedes, and not crazy man/energizer bunny Jonny Gomes. What if I told you the most influential player is front and center in the GIF above, stroking two grown men’s beards?


That’s right, A’s outfielder (and former Red Sox player, coincidentally enough) Josh Reddick was that important to Oakland trading Cespedes, the team’s cleanup hitter and arguably best known player. Reddick broke onto the scene in 2012 with the A’s, hitting 32 homers in 156 games with the club. Reddick’s slash line of .242/.305/.463 was far from fantastic, but his impressive power, great defense, and dirt dog mentality on the diamond made him a very valuable player.


However, in 2013 and the first half of 2014 Reddick went from an important part of the A’s lineup to an afterthought. A number of nagging injuries cut into his power and playing time, resulting in a pedestrian .153 isolated power in 2013. Having Cespedes in the lineup helped mask the inconsistencies of Reddick, who in 2012 actually posted a higher ISO than his more celebrated teammate (.221 to .214, respectively).


Reddick rejoined the team on July 22nd this year after two extended stays on the disabled list, and the Athletics saw a completely different player in the nine games before the trading deadline. The unheralded outfielder had more doubles from July 22-30 (4) than he did in 51 games before his injury (3), as well as half as many home runs (2 post-injury and 4 pre-injury). This production certainly cannot be overlooked in the A’s front office’s decision to part with Yoenis Cespedes. Reddick profiles as a similar type player to Cespedes from the other side of the batters box: a low average, high power guy who plays solid defense. Add in Jonny Gomes to spell Reddick against the occasional tough lefty, and Oakland has poised itself to receive similar production from the outfield for the final two months of the season as well as in 2015. The A’s are all-in in their attempt to bring home the 2014 World Series while the Red Sox were steadfast at the deadline in their quest to acquire proven Major League talent; the Sox would only deal Lester for a player like Cespedes in return, and the Athletics would only be willing to deal an important part of their current lineup if they felt they had someone ready to pick up the slack. Without Reddick, Cespedes for Lester and Gomes would not have even been considered by the A’s.


Of course, the question we must ask ourselves in any such case is if the player’s production will be sustainable. For Reddick, the answer is no. Reddick’s ISO and batting average on balls in play (BABIP) in the second half are much higher than his career averages. These are two of the most volatile metrics in baseball, and large differences from career norms can often be attributed to luck and/or small sample sizes, both of which are factors here. In addition, according to Baseball Heat Maps Reddick’s average fly ball length has been only one foot greater post-injury than pre-injury, implying he has had some luck with fly balls turning into doubles or home runs.


That being said, Reddick’s recent production should not be completely discounted. His line drive and strikeout rates are a good sign at nearly 5% and 15% better than his career averages, respectively, suggesting that the slugger is seeing the ball and squaring it up better since his return from the DL. This is not to mention the value of having Reddick back in the field for the second half, where he has always excelled.


Over the past year and a half, Josh Reddick has not looked like the great player he was in 2012. However, with some nagging injuries behind him Reddick looks poised for a solid, if not spectacular, end of 2014. With the A’s in win now mode, trading Cespedes for an ace in Jon Lester with Reddick ready to make up for the lost production makes perfect sense, and is why he is the man who made this deal possible.


And now for your viewing entertainment, a collection of some of my favorite Josh Reddick GIFs. You’re welcome.


Showing off the cannon

Reddick Throw 2


“If you test me, you will fail” -Josh Reddick (probably)

Reddick Throw GIF





Nbd, just Reddick doing his best Spiderman impression



Oops, he did it again! IN THE SAME GAME, PEOPLE



Nothing like a couple of celebratory pies to the face

Reddick Double Pie GIF


“Sorry about that pie man, high fi–OH WAIT I GOT TWO PIES!”

Reddick Pie GIF

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